“You can cope with your with suicidal feelings and thoughts.
They are not your fault and they do not have to continue.
Don’t give in. Don’t lose hope. There is help.”
If you or someone you know has ongoing thoughts of death or suicide or if a suicide attempt has been made:
- Medical Emergency? Call 9-1-1
- Call the Counseling Center’s 24/7 on-call licensed mental health professional at 833.646.1526
- Call Gryphon Place at 2-1-1 or 381-HELP (4357)
- Call Campus Safety at 269.337.7321
- Go to Bronson Hospital emergency room immediately
- Go to Integrated Services of Kalamazoo’s Behavioral Health Urgent Care and Access Center
- Steve Foundation: Text ” home” to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor
- National Suicide Hotline at: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800.784.2433)
- National Hopeline Network Call 1-800-442-HOPE(4673)
Additional Information
- Befrienders Worldwide: We work worldwide to provide emotional support and reduce suicide. We listen to people who are in distress. We don’t judge them or tell them what to do – we listen.
- The American Association of Suicidology: An education and resource organization. We do not provide direct services. IF YOU ARE IN CRISIS AND NEED IMMEDIATE HELP, please call 1.800.273.TALK (8255).
- Jed Foundation: Phil and Donna Satow established The Jed Foundation in 2000 after the suicide of their son, Jed, a college sophomore. As the Satows probed deeper into what had pushed Jed beyond his ability to cope, they discovered that far too few mental health resources are available to students and there is a need for advancing evidence-based programming for suicide prevention in young adults.
- “The Truth about Suicide: Real Stories of Depression in College” contact the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- “The View from Here: Depression on College Campuses”