
Kalamazoo College is committed to providing mental health support to the student population through primary prevention, education, and advocacy. Counseling Center staff offer consultation, outreach to residence halls, workshops in and outside of the Counseling Center, and to student organizations. If you would like to request an outreach program, please contact us at counseling.center@kzoo.edu.

Counseling center staff will collaborate with staff, faculty, or students on needed programming. Examples of programs offered in the past include:

  • Increasing resiliency
  • MiKroaggressions at K
  • Understanding healthy relationships
  • Increasing time management skills
  • Stress and anxiety management
  • Self Care

If you would like to collaborate on a new program with Center staff, please allow at least one month for preparation.

Requests for Interviews and Presentations in Classrooms:

The Counseling Center staff requests three-weeks’ notice for classroom requests or student interviews. This notice does not guarantee commitment to events but assures staff adequate time to communicate about scheduling needs. If you would like to request a classroom presentation or staff interview, please contact us at counseling.center@kzoo.edu and include specific information regarding topic(s) of interest.